CURLSQUEEN Human Hair Extensions

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10 Things That Will Make You Amazed at Microlink Hair Extensions


Have you ever had dreams of having hair extensions that are so natural-looking that no one would be able to tell they're not your natural hair? Thanks to microlink hair extensions, now is your chance to make that dream a reality! These hair extensions are made of small, lightweight links, each of which can be inserted into the hair extension strand just like regular hair. This means that microlinks can be worn in any style, regardless of thickness or natural hair texture. Not only do microlink hair extensions offer an amazing look, but they also have a number of benefits that you should know about. In this blog post, we'll discuss why you should consider getting microlink hair extensions. So stay tuned!

What are microlink hair extensions

Microlinks - Water Jerry Curly Comb Itips Hair Extensions - IT017

Microlink extensions are an cost-effective alternative of hair extension that fastens hair extensions to your natural hair using a microlink silicone. The microlinks are small metal clips measuring 1mm in length and width, and they lock onto your natural hair by clamping it with ease. 

A microlink I-tip piece of hair extension is composed of one keratin I-tip strand of hair that is pre-tipped and installed via small silicone or metal beads. The microlink service involves connecting the hairlink I-Tips extensions to your hair, one tiny strand at a time. The microlink is placed over the strands of your natural hair, the strands of hair extensions are placed in micro beads, and they are held down with the help of clamps, a process that does not involve any glue. 

For example, just like how you would pull your hair up in a ponytail with no hair extensions, you can get the same look, but fuller and longer, with the microlinks. Yes, you can use microlinking techniques on both Relaxed Hair and Natural Hair. You can access I-tip hair extensions and woven hair extensions which are suitable for all types of hair textures, therefore, you can easily apply them. 

How do microlink hair extensions work

Microlinks are a type of hair extension in which extensions are attached to single strands of your own hair using small silicone beads (aka microtubes). As its name suggests, microlink hair extensions are a hair extension system using small metal or silicone beads to connect wefts of hair onto the scalp. Micro link hair extensions are called Micro links because you take a microscopic chunk of hair through the microscopic-sized beads, then you insert the hair extension piece in the microscopic beads, then you swivel the beads closed to keep the hair in place. 

As a relatively easy and simple process, microlink hair extensions are applied by using micro-sized beads as a link between natural hair and extensions. The microlink is placed over a strand of natural hair, and strands of the extension are placed in the micro beads and clamped down with the help of clamps, thereby being a glue-free installation process. A professional hairstylist in the installation of the microlinks from salon may wrap a hair extension around the strand of your natural hair and secure it using the pliers used to secure the clip. The key difference between microlinks and other styles extensions is that they do not require your hair twisted or made into cornrows braid, meaning that it puts less strain on your scalp.

The process of applying micro links involves pulling the micro hair through the micro-sized beads, followed by a strand of hair extensions, then squeezing on the micro beads to keep the bond between them secure. Formerly known as fused extensions, microlinks uses the method of securing extensions onto strands of natural hair using the method of squeezing beads. The microlinks service involves connecting I-tip hairlink extensions to your hair, one tiny strand at a time.

Pros of Microlink Hair Extensions

As mentioned earlier, Microlink hair extensions do not involve chemicals or glues for applying extended strands. Whether you are looking to add extra length, increased volume, or even experiment with new hair colors, micro link hair extensions are a unique technique that is rapidly growing in popularity. Micro-link hair extensions are similar to the popular Hot Fusion style, but are gentler on the hair since there is no glue or heat involved during application. Microlinks are blended nicely into the human hair, and they are suitable for all types of hair, including relaxed and curly hair types.

The ultimate appearance following a hair extension install is natural-looking hair--something very difficult to achieve with many different types of hair extension applications. As mentioned earlier, microlink hair extensions do not need to use chemicals or glues in order to apply extended strands. 

Micro link extensions can be done on different types of hair, as well as varying lengths, which allows users to explore the possibilities for styling and volume that the Micro Link application process has to offer. Microlinks are a great match for human hair, and they can be used with every hair type, including relaxed and curly hair types. Unlike wigs, which are placed on top of pigtails, or sew-ins extensions, which require that all or a majority of your hair is tightly braided at the scalp, microlink extensions let you have all your hair exposed. 

If you are looking for the most natural look, requiring little effort in style, human hair micro link extensions are the way to go. Microbead extensions are ideal for those who have fine hair who are looking for a long-lasting extension that looks extremely natural. Clipping a micro link onto a small part of hair allows you to wear the extensions as long as you want, and does not give anybody the clue you are wearing extensions.

Cons of Microlink Hair Extensions

The installation and removal can be time-consuming, and damage can be caused if they're not installed correctly.

Additionally, there are many different brands of microlink hair extensions, so it's important to do your research and find the best option for you.

Proper maintenance is also essential - make sure to keep your extensions sealed in between appointments to prolong their lifespan.

Do Microlinks Make Your Hair Grow

Microlinks alone will not make your hair grow, but consistent cleaning regimens for the hair and scalp (in addition to well-balanced eating habits and the right supplements) may encourage hair growth. If Microlink hair extensions are not installed, properly taken care of, and removed, microlinks may harm your hair. While not a common phenomenon, Micro links hair extensions installed incorrectly can result in painful, itchy, uncomfortable results, particularly if they are snipped close to your roots. 

They don't actually grow your hair, but they do make it look thicker and fuller. Micro-link extensions can enable the natural hair to grow healthy underneath. Microlink hair extensions are well-aligned with natural hair, but for those looking to shake things up a bit with some colouring of the hair, there is good news: You can colour a few micro link extensions- just like any other piece of hair! . Microlink I-tip hair extensions cater to the needs of those looking for a permanent extension without much tension, and the beads weave is ideal for adding hair density and length naturally. If you've been considering microlink hair extensions, now is the time to take the plunge!

Who can get microlinks

Microlinks are hair extensions that have the appearance of longer, thicker hair without all of the hassle and time commitment of traditional wigs or extensions. They're easy enough for anyone to use, and last up to six months with proper care. They're perfect for people who want hair that looks natural and isn't weighed down by extensions. If your hair is suitable for microlinks -- typically, it is recommended that a minimum of four inches of natural growth is used to hide tiny metal or silicone beads.

If your hair is extremely thin, thin, or in poor condition, you should avoid micro-links hair extensions because experts say that it may weigh too much on your follicles, which could then lead to unnecessary hair loss or breakage. 

Can I get microlinks with my hair texture

Microlinks can be put in any hair type - curly, straight, wavy, and even thick! They're also very durable and will last for many years with proper care. So, whether you have perfect hair texture or not, you can still get beautiful microlinks. You can choose to get the micro bead full-head install, or instead choose a part of your hair to get micro link extensions installed. During the installment, the stylist should also advise whether or not your hair is in a condition that is strong enough for you to tolerate adding micro links extensions.

Microlinks are blended with human hair well and can be used for all types of hair including relaxed and curly hair types. Microlink hair extensions do not require heat, glue, or any other chemicals, so when installed correctly, your natural curls should look good, provided that your extensions are not overly heavy. Naturalists who have fine, permed hair should also consider microlink extensions carefully, because the weight from the microlink extensions will put additional stress and strain on your natural hair, which is curled and permed, and may result in breakage. 

What's the best way to take care of microlink

It's no secret that microlink hair extensions are one of the most popular hair extensions on the market today. But how do you take care of them the best way possible?

Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner every time you shower. Be sure to take care of your scalp by regularly washing and conditioning your hair extensions. When conditioning your hair, be sure to apply conditioner to your individual strands, rather than to these beads or bonds. Conditioner, masks, or treatments should be applied along the length of your hair, as well as on the ends, so as not to get into the roots. When wearing microlink hair extensions, moisturizing haircare products, conditioners, and masks will keep the health of the microlink hair extensions, but do not apply moisturizing haircare products to the roots as the beads will slip. 

Some people suggest using a small towel for drying the hair close to your Micro Rings. It is recommended that you gently wring out any excess water out of the hair, as toweling it may cause the cuticles to become distorted. Simply, rinse the hair using the upwards movement from the top down, avoiding tangles and knots. As per normal, you should not brush the hair with circular motion, because that can cause tangles. 

Always use a heat protectant before using any heat tool on your hair and always use a comb instead of brushing it when wet or after taking out the MicroLink extensions. It is tempting to go for a higher heat setting, but higher heat is going to hurt the hair, as well as overheating your micro rings. If you are using the blow dryer to dry your hair that is fine or thinning, go with a lower heat setting so that you do not damage the hair or your micro beads. When using the lowest heat setting, you will also be able to manage your hair much more effectively, particularly if it is being blown out in different directions. If you are going to be using heat to microlink your hair extensions, use heat-protective sprays or gels to keep the hair safe from damage caused by the heat.

How to sleep with microlink hair extension

When sleeping with a micro link hair extension, you may want to choose a style such as braided cornrows or a ponytail, which would limit your hairs movements enough to keep the link from coming loose and breaking overnight. Sleeping with extensions like this is just as comfortable as sleeping with real hair. You can also sleep with Micro Ring Hair Extensions, because these are also semi-permanent hair extension methods. 

Micro-ring hair extensions are not comfortable to sleep with, and they can cause severe pain when applied incorrectly. If a stylist places the hair extensions too close to the roots, it should apply much pressure on your scalp, thus causing pain. To prevent pulling, you must weave the hair in a medium tension to prevent pulling hair extensions, while keeping it secured all through the night. 

Note, before going to bed, make sure you carefully detangle the hair. To prevent any mattes and tangles, be sure that the hair is fully dry before going to sleep. Any hairstyle that does not allow for thorough cleaning of the hair and scalp should be avoided. 

You can protect your hair extensions by wearing silk scarves, satin hats, or placing your hair into protective styles, like braiding or locs, which may greatly decrease your risk of morning tangles. Using a silk pillowcase, satin bonnet, or placing your hair in a protective style such as a loose side braid or plait can go a long way to reducing the risk of experiencing tangles in the morning. If you want to wake up with your hair intact and not damaged, then put a silk scarf on top of your hair. 

How Much Do Microlinks Cost?

The cost for microlink hair extensions varies between $200-$700 depending on the length and density that you want, and stylists may charge between $750-$2,000 per service depending on the location. Some salons will supply you with the hair extensions and work out the price together, while others only charge for installation and maintenance service.

If you're looking for hair extensions that will amaze you with their natural beauty, microlink hair extensions are the perfect option for you! While microlinks can work for all hair types and natural hair textures, they are a perfect option for those who have relaxed hair and have at least 10-12 weeks of new growth prior to installation. These hair extensions are made from natural hair microlinks and are therefore gentle on your hair and scalp. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity - head on over to our website to read more about microlink hair extensions today!

