CURLSQUEEN Human Hair Extensions

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What is the best grade of hair


What is hair grade?

Service providers are all keen to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Hair grading system was put forward to distinguish the quality of different human hair in early 2010s by hair extension suppliers. They come up with such a concept to make a distinction with companies selling hair extensions of low quality.

In the early years, 5A was put on the top place of highest quality; in 2014, 6A human hair extension replaced it; in 2015, 7A Brazilian human hair took the first place; in the following two years, 8A and 9A remy hair was prevailing for high quality; two more years later, 10A virgin remy human hair extension was the champion. As time went by, 5A hair had already became history and it’ s deemed medium quality hair.

In general, the number 5A, 6A, 8A, 9A 10A determines the quality of hair extensions. With the grading system, you may feel reassured when carefully picking your hair, however, it’s not regulated and it’s possible to receive low quality hair even if you cost a fortune because many hair companies cry up wine and sell vinegar. They advertise their products as high quality online but you have no way to know what the real fact is before signing for it.

The cheating competition do exist in some companies so that when you purchasing hair extension, you should not regard website reviews and materials and other components like google and YouTube in products.

Different grades are usually pricing in different level. Hair extensions with high grades need more budget than others and you should consider that what you want from hair extension and which factor you are going to put in the first place when purchasing hair extensions.

As for what grade you should choose, if you want medium quality at low budget, it’s right to compare from 6A level and if you’d like to 100% virgin human hair, concentrate on hair grade higher than 8A or 9A.

How many hair extension types there are?

When it comes to hair extension types, you may be new or familiar to these descriptions—Remy hair, Double wefted hair, 100% Virgin Hair 100% human hair, and synthetic hair.

Human hair extension are characterized by the intact cuticles which go in the same direction without being chemically or mechanically processed. They are high quality 100% human hair that can last for a long time and are not prone to shed or tangle.

Double wefted hair

Double wefted hair has tight and neat weft that prevents excessive shedding while providing extra volume and fullness in each weft. Double weft hair extension last longer than single one.

100% Virgin Hair

100% Virgin Hair hasn’t been chemical processed with one direction cuticle. Such high grade human hair can be dyed or blenched as natural hair. That is one of the best hair available in the wide range of hair extension products.

100% human hair

100% human hair might has been chemically processed and stripped of cuticles and it won’t last as long as 100% virgin or Remy hair.

Synthetic Hair

The hair strands are made out of man-made fibers like acrylic or nylon which are greatly chemically processed to make them look and feel similar as human hair in color and styling. Synthetic hair are considered low-quality hair which won’t last for a long time.

If the hair extension was advertised 100% human hair while taped with a mention that the hair has been chemically managed, the hair extensions won’t be of high quality.

How the hair extensions are grading?

3A Grade Hair

Grade 3A hair is a kind of low-quality hair chemically processed. They may not be maintained well before the acquirer purchased them. To make thin hair looks more natural and add volume. Some suppliers mix them with synthetic fibers or animal hair. In addition, 3A Grade Hair may have an unpleasant chemical smell and the tapered ends often split. They will shed, tangle and mat so that they won’t last long.

4A and 5A Grade hair

This hair grade lays low to medium which is great for hairstylist courses. The cuticles are stripped and tend to tangle and mat. 4A and 5A Grade hair requires high maintenance and detangling often. They can last up to a month with good maintenance. The longer length you choose, the more care it needs and when they blend with your natural hair, it might be difficult to remove them.

6A Grade Hair

This is suitable for most people due to high cost performance.

Grade 6A hair is Remy hair with all the cuticles going in the same direction. 6A Grade Hair is moderately heavy and can be dyed by professionals. Grade 6A hair extensions of straight texture can last up to 8 months. Grade 6A hair works well with proper care and if you want hair extensions with long length or curly texture, higher grade hair will perform better.

7A Grade Hair

7A Grade Hair is a cost-effective option on higher budget.

Grade 7A is made of high-quality Remy hair with all the cuticles intact. They are thick, sturdy, and last for up to 12 months. Grade 7A virgin hair can be dyed and blenched as you like and they won’t shed and tangle as much as the other types.

8A and 9A Grade Hair

Grade 8A and 9A 100% virgin hair is sheer human hair from one donor. This kind of hair is never processed in any way with all cuticles intact. The price of 8A and 9A extensions is higher in price but the lifetime reaches 1.5 to 2 years. Any processing will decrease the life span of your hair extensions. Grade 8A and 9A hair hair more thickness and won’t tangle much with good maintenance.

10A Grade Hair

Grade 10A hair is the highest quality you can get at present. It is the most expensive as well at a cost of thousands dollars. It’s 100% unprocessed virgin hair from one donor with thick strong ends. They can be dyed to light color at the least damage. Grade 10A hair tangle and mat less and does not require much maintenance either.

Check this out to know your curl type and  how to choose the perfect textured hair extensions that would seamlessly match your natural hair!

