CURLSQUEEN Human Hair Extensions

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Burgundy Body Wave Tape In Hair Extensions


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  • Description

    Extension Types

    Tape in hair extensions

    The best hair extensions you should try in new year is tape in hair extensions .

    Top 10 reasons why tape in hair extensions are one of the best hair extension methods:⁣

    • Natural Appearance⁣
    • Invisible and Braidless
    • More Hairstyle Options⁣
    • More Hair Texture Options⁣
    • Lower Risk Of Scalp Discomforts⁣
    • Easy Removal & Reusable⁣
    • Least Damaging⁣
    • Low Maintenance⁣
    • Beginner Friendly
    • Great Durability⁣

    Hair Info :

    One Bundle Set-40 Tape In Hair Extension Pcs-100 Grams

    Natural Full Set-60 Tape In Hair Extension Pcs-150 Grams

    Natural Glam Set-80 Tape In Hair Extension Pcs-200 Grams

    Ultra Full Set-120 Tape In Hair Extension Pcs-300 Grams

    • Brazilian Vrigin Hair Type
    • 1 ½ Inch Wide Weft
    • Used to Add Length & Volume to Your Natural Hair
    • Pre-taped & Ready to Install
    • Natural Full Set for a Natural Look
    • Glam Full Set for a Fuller Luxurious Glam Look (Depends on your head size and natural hair density )

    Each Tape In Hair Extension Set comes with one free DIY tool Kit which includes :

    • 1 Satin Bonnet

    • 1 Detanging Brush

    • 1 Parting Comb

    • 1 Pack of Replaced Tapes

    • 3 Hair Clips

    • Magic Hair Sticker Pad

  • Delivery time/ Return & exchange

How To Apply

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1 Review

Oh my goodness! All I can say is this is the real deal. I bought the Natural Glam 80-piece set back in February of 2023. Here is my review: I dyed my hair to match the exact color of the hair I purchased, and it took a few tries to get the right color. My daughter installed the tape-ins (to ensure it was correctly installed, we watched many YouTube videos). I have a long head, and the Natural Glam (though beautiful & natural looking) was not enough to cover my entire head. We had to leave significant gaps between lines to have enough hair to place at the top. I should have bought the hair in layers ( lengths 18,22, 24 & 26). This would have given me a more natural look, and the hair would have blended perfectly with mine.

Hair & Tape Quality Review:
What can I say, I have never in my life had this experience. I can honestly say that I have spent a lot of money trying to find the kind of hair that would work with mine—I also had many challenges with finding hair of good quality. This hair is luscious and incredibly soft. The wefts are PERFECT (excuse the caps, just excited). I love how they color match the weft to the hair, giving the hair, when installed, a more natural look. The tape that comes with the wedge and the replacement tapes... ARE OUT OF THIS WORLD. I have had this hair on for the past 6 weeks, and my extensions have no intentions of sliding down. The tape is like a super bond; it does not move. Two weeks ago, I washed, blow-dried, and straightened my hair. At first, I was scared and nervous and thought most of my tape-ins would slide off (boy, was I wrong).

My hair type is as follows: Tons of curls, dry and hard to match with other hair. When it dries after I wash it, it looks coarse. Yet, when I straighten it, it is soft, silky, and smooth.

My last words: You really do get what you pay for. If you look for bargains and only at low prices, guess what??? You will be disappointed. We work hard enough to throw our money away. This is the way to go. Buy it, install it, wrap it every night, don't overbrush, and ROCK it!! You'll be as happy as me. (hearts).




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