CURLSQUEEN Human Hair Extensions

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CURLSQUEEN Coarse Kinky Blow Out Clip-In Extension Sets | One Bundle Set For Full Head


Hair Length:
Free Gift:
Extension Type:
Heatless Silk Roller Kit -Bouncy Heatless Curls For Beginners:
  • Description

    Hair Type

    Premium Brazilian Virgin Hair

    Hair Texture

    Coarse Kinky - Blow Out

    Hair Specifications

    Ultra Full 10pcs Set For Adding Length , Volume & Body for A Full Head

    (2 x 10" weft | 2 x 9" wefts | 2 x 7" wefts | 2 x 4" wefts | 2 x 3" wefts)

    Hair can be washed, conditioned, cut, twisted out, bantu knotted, straightened and more.

    Hair can be dyed or bleached to achieve hair color as it hasn't been dyed using permanent dyes.

    Our textured clips in extensions are all double wefted ones.

    So only ONE SET is sufficient for a full head instead of TWO or Three sets like what other companies are selling .

  • Delivery time/ Return & exchange

How To Apply

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7 Reviews

Just got my human hair extensions in the mail, and I’m pretty impressed so far! The hair feels super soft and looks natural. The color matches perfectly with my own hair, which is a huge plus. The only downside is that it took a little longer to ship than I expected, but honestly, it was worth the wait.





    I usually order my extensions from KRS Hair group, but I saw a decent amount of advertisement for CurlsQueen that made me try them. I didn't have to use customer service, but they did reach out to me to confirm the shipping address they had on file -- which is a nice touch. I received correspondence once my order was confirmed, about to be shipped, and finally shipped. Shipping does take awhile, but to be expected as it's coming from China.

    When the hair arrived, it was in a nice package, and I received a free silk bonnet, hair brush, and extra clips. However, the issue I have with the hair is that it is frankly not kinky. It's very much so silky, just with kinks in it. I need to straight my hair silky for it to match the texture, which is not why I purchased a "Coarse Kinky" lol. The quality of the hair seems good: minimal shedding, full from root to tip, and the hair I received is inches longer than I ordered. But it was really important for me to have a kinky texture that would look realistic to my hair.





    I love my clip ins. I got the 20inch kinky blown out texture and it looks beautiful installed. The hair is very full, soft and has light shedding.

    Would definitely purchase again.





    Thank you CurlsQueen for your stellar customer service. Between emails and DMs, I have always been kept up to date with information regarding any purchase. I recently bought the blow out texture and I’m so excited to put it to use! I also have the straight texture for my next silk press. Looking to buy the curly texture soon to complete the set! Love this hair :)
    Great company and professionalism.
    Would highly recommend.





      To be honest, the hair came out very well! The half is soft and matches my hair texture really good. When I curled it with the flat iron, it came out nice and held up for a while.





        Absolutely loved the hair, especially how it blended seamlessly with my natural hair. I have dyed hair and when dying the clip ins the match was perfect! Only negative the quality doesn’t seem to remain if too much heat is used. Minimal shedding too.





        Je suis totalement amoureuse de mes nouveaux clips, dû coups je me suis dit que je devais absolument vous faire un reel pour vous montrer ce que ça donne ☺️
        Ils proposent plusieurs textures mais celles-ci c’est vraiment celle qui match le mieux avec mes cheveux après blow out ?




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